The light novel (All You Need is Kill) -> the movie (Edge of Tomorrow) -> the marketing (Live. Die. Repeat.)
Save points. Back in my day. Old-school save system where you have to go back to the beginning every time.
The possibility of the cosmos awash in aggressive noodly alien murder machines. What are the odds they’d wind up at our doorstep?
Spaghetti Monster tumbleweeds! Bioluminescence. Alienness. Hybrid creatures. Hierarchy.
Zerg rush! Starcraft was almost Warhammer.
Reminds us of Elysium! Exosuit interfaces. Neural interface versus gestural. Safety mechanisms.
What are thresholds of alpha blood exposure to contract timeloopism? Best method: bathing? in the butt? in the mouth? All of the above? Will the effect ever “run out?” Blood-bathing, Sookie Stackhouse style.
Control of time loops. Like a garage door opener? TV remote? Is it time travel? Many-worlds interpretation. Branching timelines! Terminator meatballs.
Chris does. Whatever it takes!
Lee Colbert
Christopher Peterson