

Show Notes

Weeeeeeeeeird stuff

Pulling a James Cameron. Sean Connery is down for anything. Weeeeeird stuff. A list of some of our favorite things

  • Zardoz’ mustache
  • Zardoz’s speeches both and and out of stone head
  • Sean Connery’s everything
  • Psychic attacks

Bullets in the air

One of the worse ways to celebrate. Coins off of a skyscraper. Mass and volume and drag. Bullet lethality reductions with different trajectories.

Eating only meat

The benefits and drawbacks. The inuit diet. Surprisingly-high carbohydrate intake when all your meat is raw. Micronutrients via organ meats. Food preservation through controlled rot. Using fats and proteins to energy.

Evolutionary humanity

Other varieties of humanity that coexisted with homo sapiens. The study of evolution. Fossil evidence and developments in mitochondrial DNA analysis. The multiregional hypothesis -> the out of Africa hypothesis.

Human evolutionary promiscuity

Neanderthals, Denisovans, and uh…. gorillas? The evolutionary relationship between gorilla and human pubic lice.


Don’t forget other animals are smart too! Humans are still way better though.

The boner test

Awkward science. Would you pass?

Transhumanism in Zardoz

The nature of power the “Eternals” have. Evolutionary timescales vs the application of technology. AI control.

Dealing with immortality

Boredom is for boring people. The value of freedom of will when you can’t die.


  • carnivores, 
  • evolution, 
  • human evolution, 
  • humans, 
  • immortality, 
  • metacognition, 
  • science, 
  • science fiction, 
  • sexual reproduction, 
  • transhumanism