

Show Notes


James Cameron blank checks and record-breaking budgets and payouts.


Getting re-jacked to your original shape at 56 years old. Screening your movie at Saddam’s palace.


The broadness of the term “nanotechnology.” Upgrading your liquid-metal nanotechss32 robots.

Data Collection

Placing this movie in the data collection timeline: after the dawn of big data digital government spying, but before smartphones when we willingly began to give up all the data. But there’s a Terminator movie for that too!

Hacking cars

Direct linkages in car systems. Driving by-wire. Hacking automobile computer systems. Wired hacking and modern wireless car hacks.

Technology progression

Finally, a Terminator in the age of the ubiquitous cell phone! Still not smartphones yet, but it’s a start! Hydrogen fuel cell failure modes and the danger of tiny hydrogen bombs. MRI dangers.


AI escape scenarios. Supercomputing at “60 teraFLOPS” and wth is a “teraFLOPS” anyway? Computing power  measurement and FLOP precisions. Recognizing the actual utility of supercomputers only becoms apparent with very paralellizable tasks.


  • arnold schwarzenegger, 
  • cars, 
  • computing, 
  • james cameron, 
  • magnetic resonance imaging, 
  • man versus machine, 
  • science, 
  • science fiction, 
  • skynet, 
  • technology, 
  • terminators, 
  • time travel