Closest star systems to Earth. Sudden outbursts of James Cameron appreciation. Alpha Centauri {A,B}, Proxima Centauri. Sub-light space travel.
Continuation of consciousness. Perceptions of meatsackness.
Adaptive definitions of moons and planets. Learning about moons aside from our own. Disney World’s Pandora.
The utility of light in dark environs. Bioluminescence evolution on Earth. Useful wavelengths of produced light in water/air. Standard human bioluminescence. Japanese gameshow science.
Megafauna and megaflora and lower gravity. Hexapodality.
Na’vi anatomy. Avatar differences, e.g. 5 fingers, eyebrows. Boobs? Dr. Manhattan.
Neural networks. Brain-machine interface vs brain-everything interface. Na’vi adaptability to remote neural control. Data-transfer
Superconductors. High-temperature superconductors! Floating “mountains.”
Lee Colbert
Christopher Peterson